【同义词辨析】 2018-04-27 困窘embarrass-faze

embarrass: implies some influence that impedes thought, speech or action: ~ to admit that she liked the movie.

discomfit: implies a hampering or frustrating that accompanies confusion: persistent heckling ~ the speaker.

abash: presupposes some initial self-confidence that receives a sudden check by something that produces shyness, shame or conviction of inferiority: completely ~ by her swift and cutting retort.

disconcert: implies an upsetting of equanimity and assurance and producing uncertainty or hesitancy: ~ by the sight of the large audience.

rattle: implies a disorganizing agitation that impairs thought and judgment and undermines normal poise and composure: a tennis player not at all ~ by television cameras.

faze: found chiefly in negative phrases, suggests a loss of assurance orequanimity, often sudden and thorough: a veteran teacher ~ by nothing.

embarrass尴尬: 思维语言行动阻断停顿(比如被不熟悉的人赞美,被人发现看小人书), discomfit: 伴随困惑而来的干扰不断挫折,abash: 表示之前有自信突然羞愧自卑,disconcert: 泛指丧失平静自信,变得犹豫不定,rattle: 让人慌乱无措(disorganize解散溃散)的喧闹,使人无法镇定平稳,faze: 主要用于反面表达,表示突然彻底丧失自信镇定

记忆方法: 1)EDADRF想成FEAR DD: 害怕弟弟<==弟弟总让人困窘尴尬。

        2)困窘的意思是由于困惑使人难受mean to distress by confusing or confounding.(distress痛苦,这里写成难受)